Colossians 3:15
And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body.
App- When’s the last time you have had true peace either within yourself or around you? I can probably say without doubting that you never have peace around you. How about that peace with inside you? I can say that every time I enter into God’s presence during worship in Church, walking in the doors of the church, during my devotions, really any time in His presence. Knowing that the all powerful is around me. The Great God Almighty that created me is standing next offers a great peace. Just to know that He is standing over me, next to me, beside me, whatever it may be I know that I can find real peace in His presence. When being in HIs presence I can always trust that those questions that can’t be answered now will be answered later. When being in His presence I can always be sure that I am loved. When being in HIs presence I am surrounded by His peace and comfort. "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7. And we have been called in one body to be together and to be guarding our hearts and our minds against the powers of the evil one.
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