Food. I love food! Don't you? Gives you energy, pleasures your taste buds, fills your stomach, can either calm you down or cheer you up. I mean, food! Come on, it's all so wonderful. Just look at it. Colorful, yummy, and you know it tastes good. Think about I got your mouth watering. The creamy chocolatey goodness. Milk or dark, your choice. Just look at it. Mmmmm, so good. Okay, back to reality. God gave you that pleasure of being able to enjoy food. Being able to fill your stomach, and to give you energy so that you can be filled. God made it so that you can enjoy food. Every bite is just sooo, mmhm! And He made it so that everyone can enjoy it. Just like His love. Matthew 25:35, "for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in." He made it so that everyone can enjoy it. He made it so, that everyone can be saved. It's like food, eat it and your saved. Not from hell but from a grumbling stomach. Not from temptation, but to satisfy the craving of chocolate. God put food on the table so that you can be filled. Jesus even says for us to say so in one of His prayers for us, "give us this day, our daily bread." Matthew 6:11. Food is an essential to life, without food, we starve and die. Food was given to us through Gods love for us to enjoy. I sure do enjoy food. Now as you eat food three times a day, maybe more, eat Gods food, His daily bread thirty times a day and be filled.
And after food is given to us, we then can move onto an item we wear. Aren't clothes just so awesome. A covering over our bodies to protect us from the majority of dirt and sun. Clothes are soft, colorful, different shapes and sizes, have become a major participation in festivities, have different meanings in day to day use. Different cultural importances have a major affect in the use of differences of clothing. Different styles of clothes come and go all the time, and circle around. Clothes really never go out of style, just culture has a change in style. One of my favorite parts of clothing is everyone has their own likes. Or even when you wash your clothes and you take them out of the dryer when they are done and they are so warm and soft. It's always fun doing that. Clothes can be so comfortable. God gave us clothes out of His love. He gave us clothing so that we can enjoy it. Matthew 25:36, "I was naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to me." God is so wonderful, that from His love He allowed us to enjoy food with a passion and clothes with style.
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