Have you ever been caught in a snare? I haven't but it doesn't look fun. Have you ever been rich? I haven't, and honestly, it doesn't look fun. To me all it screams is sin. Money can be very evil. It can also be very bad. In Timothy it talks about how evil it can be, so that's what I'm going to talk about. Look around the world at what people do with their money that that have abundantly. Big house, multiple nice cars, pool in the backyard, traveling all the time just because. Going out to eat every night, spending money because they can. The most interesting part about most of those people, they got their money from fame. Look at what's behind all of that fame and fortune. Caught up in the sin of this world. Caught up in the evils of money. They are stuck in a snare and can't get out. satan made it so comfortable for them to be in that snare that most of them never want to get out. Surrounded by temptations, by drugs, alcohol, women. Selfish with their day to day life. They probably don't even donate the money to a good cause. It's sad watching these people go from good to bad in just a couple days. satan gets them so far dug in to all of the bad of this world that it seems good to them. Being stuck in a trap like that would be very scary. Then comes the day where they hit rock bottom, and they don't know what to do because they have no wisdom from the one true King. There isn't a bible in site, maybe a couple lines and a shot glass and a party going on in the background. They are about to die from overdose, everyone around that person is took drunk and too drugged to even realize it, and that's when they finally see where they are going. Scary, isn't it. Boy, am I glad that I chose to follow Jesus. One that can save me from the riches in the world. Being rich in a negative way will just get you trapped, and it will constantly lead to destruction and perdition. Before I read this verse, I didn't know what perdition meant. Perdition means a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death. No thank you, I'll pass. Is really worth being caught up in the riches of this world? Ask yourself that. I know I have, there is nothing their for me. Not only does or can lead to death but spending eternity in hell. Eternal punishment, that's a punishment just thinking about it. I've said it before and I'll say it again, everyone gets a wake up call. Whether you chose to accept it and realize it, is your choice. Whether you want to continue in the path of the unrighteous and spend eternity in a fiery prison is your choice. The world is noisy, log out of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ifunny, and all that other junk and open a bible. Anywhere in the bible, doesn't matter, it's all Gods word and it's all truth. I can promise you that if you read His word for 10 minutes each day, your day will be better than when you don't read His word. Trust me on that, I've had the experience.
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