all who believed were together. Together how? Together living under the same roof? Together in a sense that they were always together? Together through Christ? Wait, together through Christ would make sense. All who believed in Christ, were as one. 1 Corinthians 12, "For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ." Okay, so now all who believed in Christ were together. Each individual is its own member of Christ of the body. Christ is the head and every single individual living for Christ is part of the body of Christ. Being of the body of Christ and being of one we have to take a look at how the body works. Paul points it out in 1 Corinthians chapter 12 very well how the body should or does work as one. Verse 20, "but now indeed there are many members, yet one body." We are each members of Christ. What happens when you get hurt? Break bone, strain tendons, tear a muscle, so on and so forth. Well, what happens to me is it hurts if something gets hurt. I notice it right away. I have a limp, or in crutches, or can't breathe, whatever the member that is hurt, I notice it. Once it's hurt, I get a red flag sent to my brain. "Needing help down hear, over here, your knee, stop what you are doing and fix the problem." Is the signal that is sent to my brain. What happens in that part of my body is verse 26, "and if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it..." If my knee if going down, practically my whole body is going down with it. Paul relates that to being the body of Christ. Verse 25, "that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another." Relating that back to the body of Christ, if one individual is suffering, all individuals will be suffering. Being on the IGNITE program in Guatemala, I have become a member of the body of Christ with all the others here. When one of us is suffering from family difficulties at home or from physical pain, or just being fired upon by the devil, I hate to see that happen. I may not always ask them if they are okay because that's a self explanatory question. They need prayer and I'm suffering with them. Maybe not as nearly as much but I don't like to see them suffering or in pain and it hurts me. Same goes as if we hear that a follower is being persecuted in another part of the world, God bless him, but let's pray for him or her. Amen to them for doing the lords work and following God, but that's hurts to see them being hurt or suffering.
We we have come together under Christ and begin to work as one body of Christ, Paul then asks the question in verse 19, "and if they were all one member, where would the body be?" That goes back to acts 2:44, "...and had all things in common..." Okay, so we are a body of Christ, working in unison, now, where would the body be? Good question. God asks us to go into the world and spread His word. He asks us to follow Him. Where would the body be? Well first lets answer the confusion of, "and had all things in common." If we are one body of Christ, and being as one body of Christ, we aim only to serve Him. Everything else, "I also count all things loss for the excellence of knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ." Philippians 3:8. So having all things in common, He is all we need, all we have, and all we want. Being as the body of Christ and following Him, that is where we have all things in common because He is all. Now where would the body be? Well we are of one body of Christ, having all things in common, being together through Christ, the body would be wherever the Head tells it to be. The Head of the body is Christ. Same goes for how your head works. If you tell your body to do something it will do it. So if Christ, being the Head, it telling you to do something, go do it. He knows what is best. He is the Head for a reason. Tonight I will pray for unity in the body of Christ around the world.
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