To continue daily with being in the presence of Jesus is a blessing amongst itself. To come together with others in the presence of Christ is always a blessing. Being in Guatemala in the presence of Christ, daily, and all having the same goal, being in one accord. We are all in Guatemala because God called us down here and provided for all of us to be down here. And from the rooms we stay in, room to room, we all wake up every day, so blessed that we get another day. Every meal we are blessed with, we eat with thankfulness and gladness that we get a meal. Thousands of people all around the world don't get to eat today. Don't get a bed to sleep on for tonight. It's so hard not to be thankful for a meal or a bed. So many won't be getting to bath tonight, and it's so hard not to be thankful for a shower, or running water. We are blessed every day by God. Room to room, person to person, we are all so thankful that He has given us a new day everyday, that He has given us food to fill us with, that He has given us life by dying on the cross. How can you not be thankful? We had communion last night, (9/10/15), for our Thursday night service, and it was a different experience. Pastor Donothan is here this week and the experience we had was just different. Just to remember that Jesus put Himself out there. Gave us His body, to be broken, to be beaten, pierced, spit upon, whipped, struck down, you name it, He let it happen. When we broke the bread, He gave His body for us to be reborn. When we drank the wine(grape juice), to remember that He let Himself, for us, be pierced with a crown of thorns, whipped hundreds of times, being beaten till blood spilled out, His hands and feet were nailed with large nails that gave Him an excruciating pain, blood dripping off of His body, off of the nails. And out of all that blood, that cup of wine He passed around to you and me, is remembrance that we are cleansed of all sin. Our sin, minor or major, is all whipped away by His blood that was spilled. When we come together to worship Him, praise Him, together in one accord, do it to glorify Him. Tonight I will pray for thanksgiving of Him being on the cross, for Him giving His life for me for make me whole everyday after all my sin.
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